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Eagle Gifts

Eagles are large birds of prey which are members of the bird family Accipitridae. Eagles are differentiated from many other birds of prey mainly by their larger size, more powerful build, and heavier head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the Booted Eagle, have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from the vultures.

Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons. They also have extremely keen eyesight which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance.

Bald Eagle Overview

Overview of Bald Eagles

The scientific name for the bald eagle is haliaeetus leucocephalus. The bald eagle has been the national symbol of the United States since 1782.

Eagles are large birds of prey with strong hooked beaks and sharp talons. They are also known for their golden eyes. Bald eagles have white head, neck and tail, with dark plumage on their body.

Bald eagles are opportunistic hunters. A hunting eagle soars over the land on broad wings. Bald Eagles have excellent eye sight, that allows them to spot their prey from a great distance. The Bald Eagle then swoops down in a rapid dive, seizing the animal with their sharp tallons. Bald Eagles build their nests on a cliff or tall trees near water.

Bald Eagles will often add to the same nest year after year. The biggest Bald Eagle nest measured 20 feet in height! Bald Eagle’s lay 1-3 eggs, both parents incubate the eggs for 35 days. The baby eagle chicks leave their nest around 10 weeks.

About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also guest writes for Dog Pound

Bald Eagle Gifts




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