All About Humpback Whales
The scientific name of a Humpback Whale is a Megaptera
Novaeangliae. Humpback Whales spend summers in the waters
of the North and South Poles. In the winter Humpback
Whales migrate to warmer waters where the females give
birth to their young. When the young whales are old
enough to travel the whales return to their icey waters.
The Humpback Whale is black or blue black and has tubercles
or nodules on their head and lower jaw. The Humpback
Whale grows to 40-43 feet long and typically weighs
24 5/8 - 29 1/2 tons. The Humpback Whale has a strong
curved lower jaw and scalloped edge flippers.
Humpback Whales live in family groups. Humpback Whales
communicate using long complex songs which may be repeated
for hours on end. The Humpback Whale is known for their
hours of singing, they have been known to sing for 22
hours. Each Humpback Whale has a signature song, which
it changes over the years, scientists believe the song
is used to repel rivals and attract females.
Humpback whales eat small fish and shrimp like krill
for food.
A Humpback whale’s gestation is 11 months and a Humpback
Whale gives birth to one calf at a time.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound