All About Killer Whales
The scientific name for the killer whale is Orcinus
Orca. The Killer Whale is also known as the Orca Whale.
The Killer Whale is an iconic whale. The Killer Whale
is named for its impressive hunting techniques. Killer
whales eat fish, squid, sea lions and even other whales.
Killer Whales will herd fish together before attacking.
Killer Whales have 40-56 razor sharp teeth. The killer
whale is the only whale that eats other mammals.
Killer Whale are located worldwide along coastlines
and from open ocean to ice fields. Killer Killer Whale
are typically up to 30 feet long and weigh up to 10
tons. Killer Whales have stocky bodies and broad tail
flukes. Killer Whale tail fluke works as a propeller
to help them swim at a high speed. Killer Whales can
swim up to 31 mph faster than a speed boat. Killer Whales
are black and white with a triangular dorsal fin.
Killer whales live in family groups, also called pods
of forty or more whales. Orcas have complex social structures
with behaviours and rituals that are specific to each
pod, in fact scientists have identified different dialects
of sounds between Orca pods. Killer Whales are highly
social in nature, and live in matriarchal pods and family
groups. Male and female calves stay with their mother
for life. Killer Whales carry their young from 12-17
months and give birth to only one calf at a time. An
average pod of Killer Whales is about 30, but superpods
with 150 Killer Whales have been known to exist. The
Killer Whale pod travel in formation with the females
and calves in the center with the males around the edges.
The pod spreads across an area of 3/4 mile when traveling.
Killer Whale communicate by cries and screams. They
also use echolocation, that bounce off objects to assist
with navigation.
There are an estimated 50,000 Orca Whales in the world.
Orca whales can live up to 60 years.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound