Whales are very unique creatures and they are filled
with a great amount of intellegence. Why anyone would
want to harm one of these animals really does rack our
minds. Sometimes, we believe that these creatures are
more intelligent than humans. Actually, they have some
outstanding abilities, such as the communication of
whales. Whales communicate through a technique known
as echolocation. Through echolocation, they will be
able to determine the size, distance, shape, speed and
distance of an object that is under the water.
Whales communication through what is known as echolocation.
When they make their noise that they make, they will
be able to measure the shape, distance, speed and location
of an object that is under the water.
Through echolocation, the sound will be bouncing off
of an object that is under the water. Would you believe
us if we told you that a whale in New Foundland is able
to hear a whale that is in Bermuda? Don't you think
that is something that is amazing?
As you know, there is a lot of pollution in the waterways.
There is also activity from ocean liners, cruise ships,
submarines and tankers that are all contributing to
a problem with the whales and that involves communication.
Due to the noise pollution under the water, it is hard
for these animals to communicate. In turns, this causes
them to abandon their natural habitat and go off their
As you may already know, there has been a lot of pollution
in the water these creatures swim in. There are submarines,
ships and many others that are constantly polluting
the water with sound. This is causing a lot of problems
for the whale as they are no longer able to hear as
far as they could. This also causes them to go from
the nature habitate they live in and get off course.
Many do not realize what they are doing to these whales
and some do not care. If we continue doing what we do,
then the communication of whales will get harder and
Whales are very unique creatures and they are filled
with a great amount of intellegence. Why anyone would
want to harm one of these animals really does rack our
minds. Sometimes, we believe that these creatures are
more intelligent than humans. Actually, they have some
outstanding abilities, such as the communication of
whales. Whales communicate through a technique known
as echolocation. Through echolocation, they will be
able to determine the size, distance, shape, speed and
distance of an object that is under the water.
About the Author
Watching whales has always Andrew Keets passion for
as long as he can remember and has always wondered just
how whales
communicate with each another.